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How do you use a Tantric Crystal Yoni Egg?

The Yoni Egg practice involves inserting the egg shaped crystal inside the vagina in order to retain (or re-gain) pelvic tone and vitality while also enhancing sexual pleasure. Once the egg is inserted, you squeeze your The pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle in rhythmic sets and in different positions. 

What is the PC Muscle? 

The PC is a hammock-like muscle, found in both sexes, that stretches from the public bone to the coccyx (tail bone), forming the floor of the pelvic cavity and supporting the pelvic organs. 

Read more in the Yoni Egg Guide page and remember that each Egg purchase comes with a detailed 12 page booklet which includes the History, benefits, care guide and, step by step instructions for the practice. 

The yoni egg practice is a meditative and grounding experience with immeasurable benefits. It takes 4-6 weeks to start feeling and noticing changes in the strength and sensitivity of your yoni. Be patient and remember its about the journey. 

What size should I get? 

All my Yoni Egg listings are medium size egg. This is because I believe most women will be suited for the medium size. 

The medium size ranges from 4-5xm in length and 3-4cm in width at the widest part of the egg. If you try the medium and require a larger one, I can source a larger egg for you. 

This is usually only when you cannot keep the yoni egg inside you for more that a few minutes or have had several children. 

If you master the medium size egg after months of training and it is staying inside longer than 3 hours naturally, its time to go for a smaller egg and I can source these for you also. I don’t know what to choose! 

Which Egg Should I start with? 

As a stockist of quality and ethically sourced eggs, I offer you over 6 different stones to choose from, ranging from time to time, depending on availability and ability for quality.

Women may have varying interests and goals in practice with the Yoni eggs, and this is where choosing the right stone is important. Each crystal represents different elements and is connected to one of the Seven Main Chakras.

The first thing to know is that there is no wrong choice. You can simply go with your gut and follow your intuition to which egg you are most attracted to you.

If you keep being drawn to one particular egg, even if you can’t explain it, that’s the one for you!

If there is something in particular in your life you want to work on, you can read about each of the crystals in the listings and there may be something there that stands out for you that can further help you choose.

I can suggest two common crystals for beginners:

The Jade Egg & The Rose Quartz Egg.

The Jade Egg is the original crystal stone used in Imperial China, and is the ‘Traditional’ choice. Jade is a beautiful green colour and has been the most highly esteemed stone in China throughout recorded history, and was valued for its beauty and powers of healing and protection. The Affirmation associated with Jade is “Abundance Flows Through Me”.

Alternatively if you want something more gentle, you may be drawn to the Rose Quartz Egg, with is gentle, warm and feminine nature. Rose Quarts Is associated with the Heart Chakra, for self love and love for others.

Working with this crystal helps dissolve old hurts and opens the heart to trust in love and have faith in the benevolence of the Universe. It has a melting effect on mistrust and suspicion, and reawakens the heart chakra to the abundance of love available to it. 

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What is the difference Between Drilled and Non- Drilled?

Drilled Egg Many beginners prefer to start with a drilled egg. Drilled eggs have a drilled hole at the top of the egg,. This provides the option to thread dental floss or hemp string through the hole so that you are able to knot it at the end, and make a loose loop.

This provides you with the certainty that you can pull the egg out at any time, and can also aid in using the egg for self pleasure: This can be achieved by pulling the egg down through the vaginal canal and pushing the egg back in again, repeatedly. Enjoy!

Undrilled An undrilled egg has no hole in the egg and therefore you cannot loop string through it. The benefits of undrilled eggs are that they are easier to clean. You can always remove the egg by using the vaginal muscles to remove it, which will only get easier and easier with more Yoni Egg Practice. 

How long should I use it for? 

Formal Practice 

Following the formal practice guides will take you any where from 10-30 minutes, depending on how much time you spend meditating before insertion, and if you are completing the beginner or advanced steps. It may also go for much longer if you decide to move into self pleasure with the egg once your practice is completed. Informal Practice 

You may like to simply insert your egg and continue through your normal day with the egg inside. This will naturally activate the Yoni Muscles to keep the egg in place.

You will find that the natural time it stays in the Yoni varies. If you are using your Yoni Egg and going about your day, it will naturally stay in depending on how strong your Yoni muscles are. This can range from 5 minutes to a few hours.

If it stays in for a few hours you may like to consider moving on to a smaller egg.

The starting time is not important however, what is important is that you get better at keeping it inside with more practice! This is how you know its working: After a few weeks the length of time it stays in naturally as you are walking around will get longer and longer, until you’re ready to move on to a smaller egg.  

Can I sleep with my Yoni Egg inside me? 

We do not recommend you sleeping with the egg inside you, as the point of the practice is to activate your muscles, which would not be achieved if you only sleep while it is inside you.

You can definitely keep the egg on your bed side table or under your pillow for comfort. I do this and sometimes keep it on my desk to absorb the charges of the crystal through out the day.  

How often should I practice?  

Practicing 1-3 times a week is perfect, but not more than three times per week: Any more would be over activating your Yoni, so give her time to rest and recharge. You can start with 5 minutes a day and build up, or start with one exercise until you have mastered it, and then add another when you are ready. 

 A good idea is to use the egg when you get home from work, and take it out before you sleep, or make weekend practice part of your weekly routine.

If you are struggling to find the time to practice, ask yourself why you are not making time for yourself, for mindfulness and breathing. Ask yourself how can you find the time and prioritise yourself.

When in doubt, do as many pc squeezes as possible with or without the egg.  

Can I use a Yoni Egg after childbirth, a hysterectomy or bladder surgery?

Yes! Using a Yoni Egg would be a wonderful accompaniment to your healing journey after surgery on your sacred place.

Not only will the practice strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, improving your control of the muscles and improve your continence, the practice is also accompanied by breathing and meditation.

Spending time breathing deeply and being mindful of your Yoni and her muscles will connect you with her more deeply, nourishing her along the road to recovery. .

For post surgery use, we recommend use for once a week for the first 3 months, then twice a week for another 3 months and the building then maximum 3 times a week there after, which is the maximum any one is recommended to use the eggs.

So in six months you'll be back on track with the rest of us! 

When should you not to use your Yoni Egg?  

Do not use the eggs if you; 

What is your refund/returns policy? 
For hygiene reasons, you cannot return your egg for change of mind purchases. The eggs come with a life time guarantee and will never tarnish or become unusable or crack unless you drop them on hard concrete. If they are delivered damaged via the postal system, please use the “Contact Page” immediately to send photos of the damage and request a replacement or suitable alternative. 

Some Tips to Get your Started