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                                                                YONI EGG PRACTICE HISTORY

In the Western world, the Yoni is known as a ‘Vagina’, but the differences between the translations of these two words referring to a woman’s anatomy have completely different meanings. 

Vagina, a Latin word which translates to “sheath", or "pocket for a man’s sword”. Here, the meaning is that only to hold the male phallus. 

In Tantra, the Yoni is known as a woman’s “Sacred place” or “Source of life”, and encompasses a woman’s vagina, womb, ovaries and her whole reproductive system. The Sanskrit word brings profound changes to our perception of the Vagina and its purpose. 

The ancient word illustrates how a woman’s body and her Yoni were revered and respected in ancient times, with its power and mystical abilities honoured. It is my mission to remind both women and men that the womb and Yoni are sacred places, which need to be honoured and revered, not just by others, but by ourselves. 

The Yoni can experience great pleasure with solo self pleasure practice, and with a partner, but only seeing the Yoni as a vessel for sexual pleasure is limiting. Here, we experience sexual pleasure, our monthly Moon time (Mensuration) conceive and give life. Wow! Just stop and think for a moment that women have literally birthed all of the great nations on this earth, and ever human was conceived in and passed through the sacred template gates of the woman’s Yoni. 

The Yoni is the seat of our feminine power: It holds our wisdom, as it is the Yin centre for creation and creative forces. I encourage all women to get to know your Yoni, nurture it and enjoy all of the pleasure it can bring to our lives and our relationships.

                                                                 TANTRA: A PHILOSOPHY FOR LIFE 

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The Sanskrit translation for the word Tantra is 'To weave, expand consciousness', illuminating its power to take its practitioners and students alike to higher and more complex domains of consciousness. 

“Many believe that Tantra is the oldest single sour of knowledge concerning the energies of the Mind/Body/Spirit/Soul complete- How old no-one really knows, but it is believed that now popular Indian Yoga were erected upon original Tantric teachings”. Llewellyn Weschcke 

While in the West it is more commonly associated with “Tantric Sex”, it is a philosophy for life that, while isn’t exclusively focused on sex, doesn’t exclude it from its life philosophy- This is the uniqueness of the Tantric philosophy: Unlike other religions or spiritual teachings, it includes sexuality as a pathway to greater consciousness and self development. 

Unlike other philosophies and most religions, it does not position sexuality as a perverse, parallel or secret part of the philosophy, shrouded in secrecy and misunderstandings. Rather, Tantra embraces the powerful nature of sexual energy, among other things, as the pathway to greater consciousness and awareness. 

“Tantra is an ancient “technology” for transformation of the Human into the Divine-using comprehensive methods for perfection of the body and the psyche, and the transformation of consciousness.” Dr John Mumford. In simple terms, this means that those who choose to become students of Tantra, or “Walk the Path of Tantra”, are interested in and dedicated to transforming their understandings of the world through greater consciousness and connection with others.  

If you personally have ever felt lonely, disconnected or wondered if there was something more to life, sex and relationships, then you are not alone but you certainly may be in the minority. These are the common concerns of those who find solace in Tantra, as it answers the ever present question, is their more to life? And yes, yes there is much more to life, sex and relationships in the Tantric philosophy.  

                                                       TANTRA FOR THE INDIVIDUAL JOURNEY

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Tantra is also one of the greatest philosophies for single people. Men (Shiva) and women (Shakti) are each guided to Tantric daily practices to improve and maintain their health, well being and spiritual connectedness to themselves, their friends, family and lovers, and also to the world at large. Men (Shiva) are encouraged to practice daily PC muscle lifts (pubococcygeus) and to harness and direct their natural sexual energy and tension into life force energy. 

In sexual practice they are discouraged from ejaculation as this leaks their life force energy and renders them momentarily exhausted and 'Lifeless'. They are encouraged to find within them their own feminine energy, which all men hold, and bring it to the fore of their life. Masculine energy is 'Doing Energy', it is constant, grounded, ruled by the hot sun. 

In Tantric coaching, men are encouraged to honour and love their healthy Divine Masculine Energy, allowing them to hold space for women, witness without judgement, and make them feel safe.  

Our Divine women (Shakti) are taught to practice daily breast massage, Yoni breathing and meditation and regular Yoni Egg Practice. They are encouraged to find their own inner masculine energy and bring this to the forefront, to find focus, productivity and healthy assertion of needs, boundaries and achievement of desires. 

Women’s feminine energy is ‘Being Energy’, ruled by the mood, and full of mystery, depth and ever changing. 

                                                                         TANTRA IN RELATIONSHIPS 

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The tantric philosophy for life is based on that of “Yin” and “Yang”. Women, in their Shakti essence, are the soft and gentle “Yin”, and men, with their direct, hot, and consistent approach to life bring the Yang. Both are as valuable, needed and as Divine as each other. 

Tantric connections between couples goes beyond sexual gratification or immediate sexual relief. The relationship between Tantric lovers is one of authenticity, connection and honesty. For this reason, fewer people enter into tantric connection with others until they are ready, and their partners are ready. 

Tantric women release all pressures to “perform”, to look perfect or to be perfect in the eyes of society. Their internal, iridescent feminine energy is what is valued and brought forward to the relationship. Their role is to bring their feminine energy from their heart into the man ( Shiva’s Life) and show him the path to greater authenticity, warmth and connection. 

Tantric men bring their innate sexual energy to their woman (Shakti) to ignite the sexual fire between them. Embracing her feminine energy and distributing his sexual energy, love making becomes an incredible mixture of fiery energy and warm embrace.  

Dr Mumford, prolific Tantra writer says that “Tantra is attending, with tenderness, to another’s psycho-sociological being, while building the fire of sexual-emotional tensions. The result extends and attenuates the consciousness until, like an over-stretched rubber band, the mind snaps, temporarily disintegrating the ego, or the “little self”. 

Here he alludes to the constant desire of those walking the Tantric Path to move into their higher self, bringing that version of themselves, the best version, to their relationships and to the world.